district art wallpapers by pascale christoffel
A rich and luminous universe to discover
Pascale Christoffel has meticulously crafted a series of Art wallpapers, each showcasing a rare finish derived from a monumental detail in one of the artist’s oil paintings.
Following two years of technical development in collaboration with Belgian artisans, the "District" collection is now unveiled through 15 proposals, each inspired by a unique location around the world - a diverse array of settings that allow everyone to envision themselves within.
© Pollen Mag
Each element is enlarged according to the vertical surface to be covered for a different result. The Art papers are made of non-woven papers, the installation technique will be from edge to edge, and the strips will not exceed 1m20.
When ordering, a simulation of the final atmosphere will be carried out. For all requests for information and orders, please contact Pascale (pascale.christoffel@skynet.be) or Michèle Testaert (michele.testaert@skynet.be).
Erawan | Everest | Ginseng |
Ice Fjord | Katla | Kerid |
Koh Tao | Koh Tao | Mekong |
Oslo | Paper Island | Paper Island |
Pemba | Rosenborg | Victoria Fjord |
Xibatu Orange | Zalu |